Thursday, September 6, 2007

Leg 12 - Montgomery, AL to Meridian, MS

Crossed into Mississippi today thanks to mostly flat roads and cooler morning temps that likely stayed below mid 90's. Logged 125 miles and photo is the only marker available as I crossed into MS on a back road. Second photo is a little tribute area located in Selma near the start of today's ride to the organizers of the civil rights march - nice artwork but the area is not well maintained with trash and stuff. Alabama armadillo roadkill count:8, Number of gunshots heard from road:7


rweber5101 said...

Dewayne - You're look'n good! The worst is behind you now. You can almost coast the rest of the way home! Ron

Don & Joanne said...

Another good day and great mileage, too! Those PB sandwiches must be loaded up with something.

Keep on trucking & keep the wind at your back.

Don & Joanne

kcr77 said...

DW-we've been enjoying your blog. looking forward to hearing all about it in person. good luck in ms. remember, it's the 'hospitality state'. you can always pit stop at my brother's dirty house in slidell, la. lol. see you soon, kathie et al.

Deana said...

Looks like you need to eat a few more of those PBJ's! You're waisting away.

BTW, I hope you don't mind but Kyle and Susan are moving in with us while their house is under reconstruction. It should only take about 6 months to a year. You don't mind, do you? Chad and Chewy are inside dogs, but don't worry as they have already marked their territories. We may get Henry the cat declawed at some point, but I'm sure everything will be fine. The leather couch has kind of has a "worn" look to it now, but I think that's in style these days. I let Susan have your side of the walk in closet and your side of the bathroom. I was going to give her your side of the bed too, but April, Harvey and Dani protested.

So, as you can see, things are totally under control in your absence. Just take your time and get home when you can.

Love ya!


Texas Custom Signs said...

Looking good big guy. Actually you have become a little smaller. The new 20 day 2000 mile diet. I can see you on Ellen now.

Actually I cannot see you on Ellen but Kelley said you could go on Ellen.

We will toast you tonight. Stay safe!!!!
Kevin & Kelley