Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Leg 10 - Rockmart, GA to Talledega, AL

4 states down - 4 to go, and back on central time zone. Give it up for Georgia and Alabama. I spent 60 of my 90 miles today on dedicated bike/jogging routes in these two states. The Silver Comet Trail (SCT) in Georgia is the jewel of the two as I wrote yesterday. The picture is located about ten miles into my ride at the Not Yet Memorial Danny Ashley Bridge - as Danny was actually there taking down the ribbons from yesterdays GRITS (Georgia Rail Into Trails Society) ride. Once restarted after the picture - Danny took the time to lead mom about 12 miles to the Alabama state line so that she could snap another pic. The Chief Ladiga Trail (CLT) starts at the end of the SCT and runs about 32 miles and ends near Anniston, AL. It was a great ride, much of it newly paved asphalt and mostly downhill. Both trails are old railroad beds and have been converted to nonmotorized and pedestrian use - a model for the rest of the country to follow. Will be heading south on Rt21 to Montgomery/Selma tomorrow to try and avoid some of Alabama's mountains.


Don & Joanne said...

Sounds like these two trails might be a great place to return to for future vacations and more biking! You are making great progress and both of you look really good! And we will all be eager to see more photos once you make it back to Austin.
Have you given up on peanutbutter sandwiches??

Deana said...

Hurry home. You're missing all of the teenage drama and volleyball fiascoes!

4 down, 4 to go. Way to go, babe!!

Mrs. Gravy Train

jimandkimwatts said...

Glad you enjoyed the Cheif Ladiga Trail! I rode it for the first time also on Thursday Sept 6th from start to finish and back. A nice ride. Too bad to hear about the wreck today, hopefully everything will work out!
