Friday, August 24, 2007

Leg 01 - DC to Fredericksburg

An early start to the day at 4:00am to beat the traffic into DC. Weather was cool and overcast, but mid-day changed to a very hot 95. The first 25 miles turned out to be better than expected as I headed toward George and Martha's place in Mt. Vernon - a great ride and I highly recommend it. The remainder of the morning took me through the area that I grew up in - within a few hundred yards past my old high school. Lots of changes in 23 years, but quite a few things remain unchanged. Back country roads past Quantico Marine Base and into Fredericksburg. Learned a lot about my limits as well - the hills were many and steep. They're likely to continue, so I will likely be modifying my daily mileage to accommodate the fact that back to back 100/day is a very aggressive goal. All in all, the day's 93 mile ride was better than expected with regards to traffic but only because I had a support car with a big sign "BIKER AHEAD". I owe a big thank you to mom, Bronwyn, and Jay for their help this week and for keeping the traffic at bay today.

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